Galen group is Turkiye based company with many years of experience in attachment design. Material is cut and processed and transformed into attachments designed to meet the needs of clients. In every brand and model, bucket manufacture and attachment design are specially carried out for the construction machinery according to the manufacture of standard buckets and clients’ demands. Providing services for clients by creating alternative solutions with unconditional customer satisfaction principle in these areas.
لقد أرسلنا طلب اتصال إلى الوكيل لهذه القائمة نيابة عنك بناءً على تفضيلات المستخدم الخاصة بك
لقد أرسلنا طلب اتصال إلى الوكيل لهذه القائمة نيابة عنك بناءً على تفضيلات المستخدم الخاصة بك
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