لقد تلقينا $ price_placeholder عرضك للحصول على بوبكات Vibratory Roller. سيتواصل معك مدير الحساب قريبًا.
لقد تلقينا $ price_placeholder عرضك للحصول على بوبكات Vibratory Roller. سيتواصل معك مدير الحساب قريبًا.
تلقينا طلب جهة اتصالك بوبكات Vibratory Roller. سيتواصل معك مدير الحساب في أقرب وقت.
تم تسليم الرسالة إلى المستشار، سيتم التواصل معك قريبًا لحجز موعد.
تم استلام طلب الشحن الخاص بك. سنتواصل معك قريباً مع أفضل الأسعار.

بوبكات Vibratory Roller

Get ready to tackle uneven terrain and big jobs with the vibratory roller attachment. The vibratory roller hard-packs in either forward or reverse. Oscillation of the drum allows the roller to follow contours on uneven terrain, offering more precise control when operating on slopes. For more compact job sites, the offset drum design allows for operating next to sidewalks, walls, and curbs. Designed for greater operator comfort, the isolation mounting system reduces the vibration transferred to the operator, meaning less operator fatigue and more comfortable working conditions, and a more packed job site. It is the ideal attachment for site preparation operations, landscaping contractors, and paving operations. Easy to haul over the road, the vibratory roller is an agile job site attachment, delivering faster results in fewer passes.
Get ready to tackle uneven terrain and big jobs with the vibratory roller attachment. The vibratory roller hard-packs in either forward or reverse. Oscillation of the drum allows the roller to follow contours on uneven terrain, offering more precise control when operating on slopes. For more compact job sites, the offset drum design allows for operating next to sidewalks, walls, and curbs. Designed for greater operator comfort, the isolation mounting system reduces the vibration transferred to the operator, meaning less operator fatigue and more comfortable working conditions, and a more packed job site. It is the ideal attachment for site preparation operations, landscaping contractors, and paving operations. Easy to haul over the road, the vibratory roller is an agile job site attachment, delivering faster results in fewer passes.

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عضو في موقع المعدات والاليات منذ Jul. 2020