لقد تلقينا $ price_placeholder عرضك للحصول على بوبكات Concrete Pump. سيتواصل معك مدير الحساب قريبًا.
لقد تلقينا $ price_placeholder عرضك للحصول على بوبكات Concrete Pump. سيتواصل معك مدير الحساب قريبًا.
تلقينا طلب جهة اتصالك بوبكات Concrete Pump. سيتواصل معك مدير الحساب في أقرب وقت.
تم تسليم الرسالة إلى المستشار، سيتم التواصل معك قريبًا لحجز موعد.
تم استلام طلب الشحن الخاص بك. سنتواصل معك قريباً مع أفضل الأسعار.

بوبكات Concrete Pump

The Bobcat concrete pump simplifies pouring concrete in difficult-to-reach locations. There's no more need for mud buggies, loaders with buckets, wheelbarrows, shovels, or chutes. Depending on hose length and diameter, and conditions such as slump, additives and aggregate size and type, this powerful attachment can pump concrete as far as 250 feet horizontally and up to two stories vertically. With a standard hydraulic flow loader, the pump can place concrete up to 18 cubic yards per hour. A high-flow loader can place concrete up to 28 cubic yards per hour.
The Bobcat concrete pump simplifies pouring concrete in difficult-to-reach locations. There's no more need for mud buggies, loaders with buckets, wheelbarrows, shovels, or chutes. Depending on hose length and diameter, and conditions such as slump, additives and aggregate size and type, this powerful attachment can pump concrete as far as 250 feet horizontally and up to two stories vertically. With a standard hydraulic flow loader, the pump can place concrete up to 18 cubic yards per hour. A high-flow loader can place concrete up to 28 cubic yards per hour.

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