Maximum speed 80 km/h 50 mph
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) none
Weight and ground pressure
Curb Weight 12100 kg 12.1 t 26,700 lbs
Total mass 12295 kg 12.3 t 27,106 lbs
Axle load distribution 4415 kg / 7880 kg
4.4 t / 7.9 t
9733 lbs / 17372 lbs
Vehicle length 9930 mm 32′7″
Vehicle width 2400 mm 7′11″
Vehicle height 3000 mm 9′11″
Chassis and suspension
Number of axes 2
Wheelbase 5600 mm 18′5″
Front track 1880 mm 6′3″
Rear track 1800 mm,
1860 mm 5′11″,
Front overhang 1430 mm 4′9″
Rear Overhang 2900 mm 9′7″
Approach Angle 20°
Departure angle 11°
Number of springs 7/9+6; 8/10+8
Tires and wheels
Number of tires 6
Tire specifications 9.00-20, 9.00R20; 10.00-20, 10.00R20
Miscellaneous product parameters
Number of passengers allowed in the cab (persons) 3
Steering form steering wheel
Maximum speed 80 km/h 50 mph
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) none
Weight and ground pressure
Curb Weight 12100 kg 12.1 t 26,700 lbs
Total mass 12295 kg 12.3 t 27,106 lbs
Axle load distribution 4415 kg / 7880 kg
4.4 t / 7.9 t
9733 lbs / 17372 lbs
Vehicle length 9930 mm 32′7″
Vehicle width 2400 mm 7′11″
Vehicle height 3000 mm 9′11″
Chassis and suspension
Number of axes 2
Wheelbase 5600 mm 18′5″
Front track 1880 mm 6′3″
Rear track 1800 mm,
1860 mm 5′11″,
Front overhang 1430 mm 4′9″
Rear Overhang 2900 mm 9′7″
Approach Angle 20°
Departure angle 11°
Number of springs 7/9+6; 8/10+8
Tires and wheels
Number of tires 6
Tire specifications 9.00-20, 9.00R20; 10.00-20, 10.00R20
Miscellaneous product parameters
Number of passengers allowed in the cab (persons) 3
Steering form steering wheel