Caterpillar 773E second hand cat dump truck Color: yellow Engine model: 3412E Engine make: Caterpillar Power: 672 Engine volume: 27000 Cylinder count: 12 Axle number: 2 EN: CAT haul truck dump truck milling machine second hand used cheap machine dump truck
we have 5 units 773E with 2013 year model on sale now and we also have 10 units komatsu HD605-7 on sale now and also have wirtgen w1900 and w2000 on sale now if you have desire pls no hesitate to let me us know Ref No:BQ25757
Caterpillar 773E second hand cat dump truck Color: yellow Engine model: 3412E Engine make: Caterpillar Power: 672 Engine volume: 27000 Cylinder count: 12 Axle number: 2 EN: CAT haul truck dump truck milling machine second hand used cheap machine dump truck
we have 5 units 773E with 2013 year model on sale now and we also have 10 units komatsu HD605-7 on sale now and also have wirtgen w1900 and w2000 on sale now if you have desire pls no hesitate to let me us know Ref No:BQ25757