Pi Makina is dedicated to manufacturing equipment that helps in building the world's infrastructure. They manufacture a broad range of products and provide high-quality services in construction machinery.
Pi Makina construction equipment provides efficient, powerful and reliable machines which helps in accomplishing any task within budget and on time. From concrete plants to concrete pumps, tower cranes to crushing plants, backhoe loaders to excavators, they have the products and service support that works the best for the clients.
لقد أرسلنا طلب اتصال إلى الوكيل لهذه القائمة نيابة عنك بناءً على تفضيلات المستخدم الخاصة بك
لقد أرسلنا طلب اتصال إلى الوكيل لهذه القائمة نيابة عنك بناءً على تفضيلات المستخدم الخاصة بك
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