Work ready, 1 owner machine
Runs and works strong
Fresh service
2,558 hours
High flow auxiliary hydraulics
Enclosed cab with heat, A/C, and radio
Rear view camera
Heated seat
Very good undercarriage. Tracks @approx 50% tread
2 speed
Hydraulic quick attach
Self leveling bucket
No leaks
Weighs approx 12,100 lbs
100 hp
No error codes or lights
Work ready, 1 owner machine
Runs and works strong
Fresh service
2,558 hours
High flow auxiliary hydraulics
Enclosed cab with heat, A/C, and radio
Rear view camera
Heated seat
Very good undercarriage. Tracks @approx 50% tread
2 speed
Hydraulic quick attach
Self leveling bucket
No leaks
Weighs approx 12,100 lbs
100 hp
No error codes or lights